I've read a recent blog post by Veronica, where she has told that was inspired by Beate to start a blog round up of what we bloggers keep on our dressing tables and chests of drawers.
I've also read the post by Buttercup's Frocks on the same subject, so I felt compelled to join these fabulous ladies.
My chest of drawers was bought in the famous swedish furniture shop, and it fits in the small space I have, which is nice. However, I don't give up on finding a fabulous (vintage) chest of drawers or dressing table. A girl can dream.
Recientemente, he leído un post de Veronica, que contaba que se había inspirado en el blog de Beate para iniciar esta serie sobre qué tenemos en nuestras cómodas o tocadores, o lo que sea que tengamos!. También se ha unido Buttercup's Frocks así que me he animado yo también.
Esta cómoda de cajones vino de la famosa tienda de muebles sueca, y encaja en el espacio que tengo, así que está bien. Pero eso no significa que renuncie a encontrar algo mejor y que me entusiasme más, ¡mejor vintage!. Sigo soñando.
This wooden box was a present twenty five years ago. Now it contains my granny's glass beads and some other sentimental items.
Esta cajita de madera fue un regalo hará unos veinticinco años. Tiene unos collares de cuentas de vidrio que solían ser de mi abuela, y otras cositas sentimentales
These are some of my silver rings in their cute jewelery box. And two tin boxes which I use for hairpins or small earrings. Usually, they don't look so tidy!
Aquí guardo algunos anillos de plata en este joyerito. Y estas dos cajitas de lata de jabón son para horquillas y pendientes pequeños. Normalmente no está todo tan ordenado.

Spring is coming, as I could photograph last time I went out to do the groceries shopping. I spied this couple in their recently acquired apartment. And horse chestnut trees are blooming!
Se acerca la primavera, tal como pude fotografiar la última vez que salí a comprar productos frescos. Y ví a esta parejita en su recientement adquirido apartamento, con vistas. Los castaños de indias están floreciendo.
I've been watching this stork who has been carrying branches and stuff to arrange a nest over the construction crane. I don't know what's going to happen when/if the works start again in the building!. These are the views from my balcony!
He estado observando desde el balcón a esta cigüeña trayendo ramas para arreglarse un nido encima del contrapeso de la grúa. Y no sé qué va a pasar cuando/si siguen las obras en el edificio.
Whether from the Swedish furniture shop or not (and who hasn't at least one piece of furniture from them) it's what's on your dressing table that's the most interesting. I don't even have an actual dressing table, although, like you, I'm dreaming of finding the perfect vintage one some day. I love the peek at your jewellery storage and the many treasures lurking in/on it. And how amazing that you can watch that stork making its nest in that tower crane, although it might be in for an unpleasant surprise if building work continues! Besos xxx P.S. I'll be joining you with a peek at my jewellery storage soon ;-)
ResponderEliminarglad that you've enjoyed the peek at my jewellery storage!, I'm looking forward to see your post, as I love your necklaces and brooches collections.
EliminarStorks and other birds are coming near buildings these days, as everything is so quiet!
Some lovely colourful bits and bobs there. I do love looking at everyone's jewellery!
ResponderEliminarTotally agree that it's lovely looking at everyone's jewellery!
EliminarI love your stork nesting phone, the massive cranes and the gulls -Spring is in the air.
ResponderEliminarYour racking is brilliant, it looks so quirky and makes everything visible so getting dressed must be a breeze! xxx
Storks are nesting everywhere!, they are big birds and it's amazing to see them carrying branches!
EliminarGlad you like my rack, it took me ages to find one 'in my budget' ;DD
I love your Swedish chest of drawers/dressing table! I think the wire display unit is fabulous and I spied some wonderful items of jewellery. You have Acqua Allegoria Herbe Fresca cologne- so do I! I love the smell. Love your wooden boxes and the two beautiful tins. I'm finding this whole series of dressing table tops fascinating...
ResponderEliminarHow wonderful to have storks nesting where you can see them so well. I hope their babies hatch and fly the nest before the construction continues!
Stay safe and well, Monica.
Glad you like the wire display, as I was inspired by you to look for something like this!. I've always admired your collection and your displays and racks!
EliminarLovely that you also like same cologne, I think it's so fresh and green!
I suspect that this stork is a guy trying to impress a lady, but his nest doesn't look very tidy!, probably he's a very young boy!. The place he picked is also a problem, because the works start tomorrow!
I like seeing what other people have on their dressers too. That poor stork is going to be in for a surprise when his "home" becomes mobile!
ResponderEliminarGlad you enjoy it!
EliminarThe poor stork flew away as the works started this morning. I think he will found a better place to build his nest!
Thanks for comment.
I am so nosy - I love these peeks into other people's storage! I'm drooling over that box of rings. My city is filled with horse chestnut trees! There are so many of them around here, they're a hazard later in the season when all the conkers fall and get slippery on the roads. My grandad called the stalks of flowers "candles" because they stand straight up.