viernes, 29 de marzo de 2019

yellow bag & being local

Actually I don't need another straw bag, but this one was a bargain I watched in a clearance sale, too great a temptation!. It saddens me to see that another shop is closing down, as I think that retail keeps the city friendly and convenient. I'm a huge fan of buying local, not only because it makes my city more liveable, but also because it makes my shopping more interesting!. I prefer not to spend my time in a massive supermarket whereas I like to run errands in our local market and shops, to chat with the people who is selling me fresh food and learn about the way it is produced or how to cook it properly. This chat with retailers, other customers (or even random people) is part of the fun!
It doesn't take too long to do the groceries shopping this way. Actually it's a time-saving activity. Have you ever considered how much time do you spend going to the supermarket by car and walking through (neverending) aisles, looking for products in the shelves, then coming back home with all those bags?. I think it's not even efficient, despite what we've been told!
Obviously we still have to buy some products in the supermarket, but we try to do it as little as posible. Do you also like to buy local?

La verdad es que no tengo ninguna necesidad de comprarme otro bolso de paja, pero este era una ganga que tenía fichada en una tienda que estaba liquidando, una tentación difícil de vencer. Por otro lado, me entristece ver que cierra otra tienda, siempre he pensado que los pequeños negocios mantienen la vida en la ciudad y la hacen cómoda. Me gusta el comercio local, no sólo por hacer la ciudad más agradable, sino también porque hacen más interesante salir a hacer la compra. Prefiero no tener que pasar tiempo en un hipermercado, me gusta más hacer recados en el mercado o en las tiendas pequeñas, charlar con las personas, aprender sobre qué verduras están en temporada o sobre recetas que me puedan aconsejar. Esta charla con los vendedores, con otros clientes o con gente de paso es buena parte de la diversión.
Tampoco lleva tanto tiempo hacer la compra de este modo. En realidad lo considero una actividad que me ahorra tiempo. ¿Alguna vez habéis considerado cuánto tiempo se tarda en ir hasta el super en coche, aparcar, pasearse por esos pasillos larguísimos, buscar los productos en las estanterías y luego volver a casa con las bolsas?. Creo que, contrariamente a todo lo que nos cuentan, no es nada eficiente.
Claro está que sigo comprando productos en el supermercado, pero intento hacerlo menos. ¿También preferís comprar más localmente y menos locamente?

Last Sunday was a sunny day and I wore one of my favourite maxi dresses And Sandals!, for the first time this year!.
This dress was bought retail twenty years ago.
Sporty sandals by elémenterre (outlet).

El domingo pasado hacía este sol magnífico y me puse uno de mis vestidos largos favoritísimos Y Sandalias, la primera vez del año!. Este vestido lo compré en una tiendecita hace unos veinte años, y sigue operativo. Las sandalias son de tipo deportivo, elémenterre, de un outlet de calzado.

martes, 26 de marzo de 2019

lava & holidays

This post has been delayed for too many days yet, so my holidays pictures seem like a distant memory (not a drama queen myself, absolutely!). (See previous post here
He estado posponiendo este post tanto tiempo, que ya las vacaciones parecen un recuerdo lejano (no soy nada exagerada, en absoluto!). Podéis ver el anterior post aquí.

These are some of the pictures we took whereas going in an excursión to see the volcanoes and lava landscapes in Lanzarote, and most of them were took from the only viewpoint that it's permitted, because the National Park is highly protected so nobody can walk outside the roads or even visit the volcanoes area by themselves. Visitors are taken in a bus route because it's not permited to put a single foot on the protected area!. Anyway the landscapes are breathtaking, they make you feel like visiting a different planet!

Estas fotos son de una excursión para ver los volcanes y toda la zona cubierta de lava en Lanzarote, la mayoría desde el centro de visitantes, porque el Parque Natural está protegido y se visita en bus, sin poner un pie en el suelo. Igualmente el paisaje es sobrecogedor y parece totalmente otro planeta (tópico, pero cierto).

We visited a winery (obviously) and watched the vineyards, which are protected from wind with some circular walls built around them. The black volcanic gravel is used to keep the much-needed humidity in the ground and it creates a really amazing coloring in the landscape.

También se visitan bodegas típicas y se ve el paisaje de viñedos, protegidos del viento por esos muretes circulares. La gravilla volcánica negra se usa para evitar que la humedad se evapore, y así se consigue cultivar en este clima árido. Además, el colorido del paisaje es espectacular.

We also visited some volcanic caves (links here and here) which were minimally refurbished to accommodate tourism by César Manrique, a local artist who bringed environmental respect into the island in the 70's. These caves hosted even a nightclub in the 70's, but they're almost untouched, having only stairs and a banister added to make the visit safer. They were fascinating places and I loved particularly the furniture designed by the artist himself. I totally support the idea that natural places can be enjoyed without being totally spoiled!

También se visitan las cuevas volcánicas que fueron acondicionadas por el artista César Manrique en los 70 para acoger el turismo, de forma poca invasiva, sólo unos senderos y barandillas. Dentro de las cuevas se instaló incluso una discoteca en los 70, y hay un restaurante muy bonito. Me encantó el mobiliario diseñado por el artista y toda su filosofía del cuidado de la naturaleza y el aspecto tradicional.

-----Back to Real Life----
And this skirt was my only holidays purchase and it was bought at a street market which I enjoyed a lot. Probably I was captivated by the hippietastic atmosphere so I feel compeled to buy something floaty and colorful and picked this double-sided skirt!. There were months without having bought any new clothes, so I consider this purchase as a relapse, not a sign of failure.
I wore it with this bolero jacket (part of an 80's suit which Vix sent me some time ago) whose color matches!. However I think that it makes me look shorter, because of the proportions. Probably I can do better!
Linking Visible Monday and wishing you a visible week!

Esta falda fue la única cosa que compré en las vacaciones, en el mercadillo de Teguise que me gustó tanto. Probablemente me obnubilé con el ambiente hippie y cedí al impulso de comprar alguna prenda vaporosa y colorida y escogí esta falda que además es reversible. Hacía meses que no compraba ropa, así que considero esto tan sólo una recaída, más que un fallo.
Me puse la falda con esta chaqueta bolero, parte de un traje de los ochenta que me envió Vix, porque el color combina. Pero creo que me recorta la figura, por las proporciones o algo, así que intentaré hacerlo mejor.
Enlazo al Visible Monday y os deseo una semana muy visible!

miércoles, 20 de marzo de 2019


Thanks to Vronni for this fabulous Sunshine Blogger Award, which makes me feel enthusiastic and honoured, as she's a lovely fellow blogger, inspiring and stylish who I admire. And she's also a thrifter, a great reader and hiker and a volunteer, among other things!. Really brilliant!.
And I feel also happy because of the company of some favourite bloggers! Go to Vronni's post and have a look!

'the Sunshine Blogger Award is given from bloggers to fellow bloggers who inspire creativity and positivity by bringing sunshine to the blogging community and to their readership alike. It is a way of encouraging one another as in saying ‘Hey, you are doing a great job and we can see it. Keep it up!!

It was a sunny day when I wore this outfit, which is pretty appropriate because of the Sunshine Blogger Award! (I'll write more about this later). Anyway it's still March, so it was also a cold day in the morning, so I had to layer and unlayer through the day. I wore tights and a coat in the chilly morning (3ºC/37ºF) and then changed into something lighter for a walk in the evening, when I had to remove my red jacket/coat in the 19ºC sunshine (66ºF). I would have liked to wear sandals and short sleeves, actually. But it's damn difficult to dress up comfortably these days.

Queda muy apropiado que hiciese un día tan soleado en este momento, porque así enlazo también al Sunshine Award que me envían desde Vronni, a la que estoy muy agradecida y además me entusiasma recibir esta mención de una bloguera tan encantadora, inspiradora y estilosa, que es además una talentosa compradora de segunda mano, una gran lectora, senderista y hace voluntariado, entre otras cosas!, brillante!
También me alegra encontrarme en compañía de algunas de mis blogueras favoritas, también mencionadas en el blog de Vronni.

De todos modos, como seguimos en marzo, hacía frío por la mañana, así que tuve que quitar y poner capas todo el día. Cuando salí de casa temprano, hacía 3ºC y llevaba medias y un abrigo sobre la chaqueta larga roja, que es ligera. Luego me cambié para salir por la tarde, y tuve que llevar la chaqueta en la mano, con 19ºC, y en realidad me hubiera gustado llevar sandalias y manga corta. Pero es difícil acertar con este tiempo!

The rules for this award are as follows:
1 -Thank the person who nominated you and include a link back to their blog.
2 -Answer the questions given by the person who nominated you.
3 -Nominate other blogs and give questions for them to answer.
4 -Notify your nominees through social media or by commenting on their blog.
5 -List the rules and display a Sunshine Blogger Award

here are the questions Vronny asked and my replies:
1) Why did you start blogging?
As many other bloggers, I started as an avid consumer of anything related to fashion and self expression. However I discovered that there were such few blogs by women like me, I missed blogs by fat/matured women with not a massive budget but a love for crafty items and bargains instead of famous labels. I think I was inspired by this doubled exclusion (being a plus sized and not young woman), I felt we were underrepresented!

2) Has your blog changed since you started it?
I think (and hope) that my blog has improved through the practice. At least I've become more confident on my own style. Probably, my pictures are better than the first ones I took, which were pretty ridiculous, but I don't erase them because they make me remember how I started blogging!

3) Blogging is time consuming - what are the challenges you find in finding the time?
Actually this is the one and only reason for me to give up blogging: Time!. I have a work and a social life and will like to keep both of them, so the time I spend in blogging is time I steal from my free time, even if sometimes I neglect other hobbies (or sleeping!). I have had to space out those sewing projects, furniture painting, crafts making or tv series watching.

4) When do you write a post - in the morning or the evening?
I like to write early in the morning when I feel that my ideas are fresher (if there is such a thing!). I write my post first in english (lots of corrections) and then translate it into spanish.
However, taking pictures is way more problematic. Usually I take my pictures when going to work or in my lunch time (garage alley!). But I prefer the pics I take whilst going for a walk or running errands, because background can be more interesting!. I'd like to have a proper photographer or even a proper camera!

5) What is your favourite topic?
I like recaps, themed posts, challenges or posts on how to style a piece different ways, they're such a fun thing to do!. I'd like to have the time to write on these things more frequently!

6) What's the thing you love most about blogging?
The people!. I think that meeting so fabulous people from all around the world is the best thing ever.

7) What's the thing you like least?
I hate those stupid moments when I forget to take some pics, accidentally delete a post or stress myself about having to publish something. I don't manage stress very well (who does it anyway?!)

8) Where do you see yourself and your blog in five years time?
This is a lot of time!. I don't even know where I'll live in five years!. I'd like to keep on blogging, improve, take better pics, take pics of another people, be more creative, be bolder, be wilder!
A lazy blogger as I am, I'll copycat Vix and be a rule breaker so I'm not going to nominate anyone. I recommend you to have a look at her questions, get some inspiration and read also her brilliant answers. Let's play!

lunes, 18 de marzo de 2019

southern exposure

I'm back to business as usual after holidays, but taking it easy, getting ready to catch up with blogging activities as soon as posible (I've missed you!). Obviously I took some pictures of Lanzarote (Canary Islands) and can't keep for myself the amazing seaside views and landscapes. We had some fab temperatures (22-25ºC), despite the wind, and it was really pleasant to take a break from Winter. I'll share more pictures of volcanoes and lava landscapes, which are pretty impressive, in another post!

Estoy de vuelta a la vida habitual después de las vacaciones, pero me estoy tomando las cosas con calma y preparándome para ponerme al día con todo la actividad bloguera en cuanto pueda (os he echado de menos!). Evidentemente, saqué unas cuantas fotos de Lanzarote y tengo que compartir unas cuantas vistas de la costa y paisajes. Tuvimos unas temperaturas muy agradables de 22 a 25ºC a pesar del viento fortísimo y ha sido estupendo hacer una pausa del invierno. Ya publicaré más fotos de volcanes y paisajes de lava en la siguiente entrega.

Puerto del Carmen

Arrecife link to touristic info / info turística


Teguise (Sunday street market, which I recommend to pay a visit to!) / mercadillo del domingo, que recomiendo visitar!

lunes, 11 de marzo de 2019

pink athleisure

This is what I've worn on Sunday to go for a walk through the city parks. I was looking for something comfy so I picked my pink sneakers and matchy fleece jacket (because fleece is made in bold colors too!). I'm not a huge fan of sport clothes, but had to buy a jacket for my pilates attire and choose this one!

(I'm taking a rest for a while, this is a programmed post!. See you soon!

Esto es lo que me puse el domingo para ir a dar un paseo por los parques de la ciudad. Estaba buscando algo cómodo, así que escogí mis zapatillas rosa y esta chaqueta forro polar muy conjuntada (también hacen estas chaquetas en colores vivos!). No soy nada aficionada a la ropa deportiva, pero tenía que comprar una chaqueta para ir a pilates y elegí este color!

(Me estoy tomando un descanso, este es un post programado!. Os veo pronto!)

- jacket, C&A / chaqueta
- dress, ebay (second hand) bought last year / vestido, de segunda mano, ebay, comprado el año pasado
- sneakers, Adidas outlet / zapatillas
- bag, Matties (old) / bolso
- blue turtleneck, La Redoute (old) / cuello vuelto azul

martes, 5 de marzo de 2019

subdued & springlike

Unseasonably weather continues so I didn't have to wear my winter coats for the last weeks, which is good news. Surprisingly I didn't get mad about warm weather neither run to dress up in bold spring clothes, it has been a subdued colors week (even if my subdued colors are purple and mustard).
This maxi skirt was a present by Vix and I've realized that I've always worn it with purple shades, so next time will be different!. It deserves something more daring!
Linking Visible Monday and wishing you a visible week!

Sigue el tiempo totalmente impropio de esta época del año, así que no he tenido que ponerme abrigo de invierno en las últimas semanas, lo cual es buena noticia. Sorprendentemente no me he vuelto loca por este calor ni he salido corriendo a ponerme la ropa de primavera más alegre. Ha sido una semana de colores más suaves (aunque mis colores más apagados sean morado y amarillo mostaza!)
Esta falda larga fue un regalo de Vix y me he dado cuenta de que siempre la he llevado con más tonos morados, así que la próxima vez intentaré algo diferente. Creo que se merece algo más atrevido!
Enlazo al Visible Monday y os deseo una semana muy visible

- jacket, charity shop (old) / chaqueta, de segunda mano, tienda solidaria
- turtleneck, La Redoute (old) / cuello vuelto
- scarf, a present / bufanda, un regalo
- crochet beret / boina de ganchillo
- bag, vintage from my mom's closet / bolso vintage del armario de mamá

This is what I've worn to go to work on Friday when it was quite warm. My 'animal print' skirt has been in the blog from the very beginning and this is a lot of time!. It was the first skirt I sew, so I'm going to keep it anyway.
And I've succumbed to the white sneakers trend and bought a pair of them (outlet, obviously). I have to get used to them now, it's a lot of white!. I would prefer to buy a pretty pair of boots but my feet are still too fussy and my new orthotics are difficult to accomodate. So white sneakers are welcome.

Esto es lo que me puse para ir a trabajar el viernes, hacía bastante calor. Mi falda de 'estampado animal' ha salido en el blog casi desde el principio y éso es mucho tiempo, pero la he conservado porque es la primera falda que me cosí.
Y he sucumbido a la moda de las zapatillas blancas y me he comprado este par (outlet, evidentemente). Ahora me tengo que acostumbrar a ellas, porque es mucho blanco!. Hubiera preferido comprarme unas botas chulas pero mis pies siguen con sus manías y mis nuevas plantillas son difíciles de acomodar, así que vengan esas zapatillas!

- cardigan, La Redoute (old) / chaqueta punto
- denim jacket, ages ago / chaqueta vaquera, antigüita
- striped t-shirt, C&A (old) / camiseta rayas
- sneakers, Adidas outlet / zapatillas
- scarf, Aïta (old) / pañuelo