I'm wearing my summer pants with a revamped pullover and I've realized the total cost of these two pieces ensemble was less than 10 euros. So this is another reason to smile!
El tiempo se ha vuelto de repente muy primaveral y se puede sentir ese cambio de ambiente, hay un montón de gente paseando, y asoman algunos detalles de color en medio del habitual mar de negros y grises!
Me he puesto unos pantalones de verano, con este jersey reformado, y me he dado cuenta de que el coste total de las dos piezas ha sido de menos de 10€, así que hay otra razón para sonreír!
- coat, El Corte Inglés (very old) / abrigo, antigüito
- pants, 4x4 (summer sales) / pantalón, rebajas de verano
- pullover, shortened and overdyed / jersey, recortado y reteñido
- boots, Clarks / botas
- brooch, a present by Sacramento / broche, regalo de Sacramento
- bracelets, DayADay, Sfera (old) / pulseras
- crochet scarf / bufanda de ganchillo

Another blogger meeting!
Y otra reunión de blogs!
Oh that's good, if Spring coming means that more people wear lots of colour like you! As always, you bring a smile to my face and a welcome blast of colour to my screen! I always appreciate an outfit which comes in at a bargain price too.
ResponderEliminarBtw, love the sleeves on the green dress the blogger is wearing in the photo from your meet up. xxxx
did the memo to wear stripes get sent out? I wanna go to a blogger meet up, but nobody lives near me ( insert sad face)
ResponderEliminarYeah I was gonna say, did you have a stripes theme? (My FAVOURITE pattern btw!) I adore the colour combination you've got going here Señora, the cozy black jacket with the purple and green, so gorgeous!! xoxoxo
ResponderEliminarThose pants are amazing. If only people wore as much colour as you, I'd be very happy!
ResponderEliminarWhat a cool bunch of blogging ladies! xxx
Wonderful array of colour....lovely lovely!! xx
ResponderEliminarNunca he ido a ningún blogger meeting, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
ResponderEliminarTenemos que encontrarnos.
you look like a glorious bouquet of spring flowers in your lavender!!