jueves, 13 de marzo de 2014


When I walk out early in the morning, it's still chilli and it's quite difficult to dress up according to our spring-like weather. So I wear a light coat, one of my favorite transitional clothes (whatever that means!) and I put it into a bag when I go back home for lunch. So hot!. But folded nylon bags are a great solution when you unexpectedly need to carry some stuff!.

Cuando salgo temprano por la mañana, aún está frío y es difícil vestirse de acuerdo a las variaciones de temperatura de este tiempo tan primaveral. Así que salgo con un abrigo ligero, una de mis piezas favoritas de entretiempo (sea lo que sea tal cosa) y luego lo tengo que meter en una bolsa cuando vuelvo a casa para comer. Qué calor!. Pero esas bolsitas plegables de nylon son una maravilla cuando tienes que cargar con alguna cosa inesperadamente.

I'm not particularly happy about these pictures. I told Mr.A. to take my pics on a park where there wasn't direct sunlight, but, even though the good light conditions, I dislike this park: there's more concrete than plants!. Sometimes I've no time to look for a nice background, it's Real Life!

No estoy muy contenta con estas fotos. Le pedí a Mr.A. que las tomase en un parque donde no da el sol directamente, pero, aunque hubiera buena iluminación, en realidad el parque no me gusta nada, es de esos donde hay más cemento que plantas!. A veces una no tiene tiempo para encontrar un fondo interesante, esto es la Vida Real!!

- framboise coat, vintage from my mom's wardrobe / abrigo color frambuesa, vintage, directamente del armario de mi madre
- dress, Evans (old) / vestido
- turtleneck, H&M ? / cuello vuelto
- tights, HYD (old) / medias
- maryjanes, El Naturalista / merceditas
- crochet cardi / chaqueta ganchillo
- bird brooch, retail / broche pájaro, de Bisutería Minia
- earrings, Oddity London / pendientes
- bag and beret, retail / bolso y boina, tiendas locales
- bracelets, DayADay / pulseras


Previously worn on a Floral Monday

En una anterior ocasión: Floral Monday

9 comentarios:

  1. I know what you mean; we are having cool mornings, which require a coat, but once the sun is out, it's quite warm. With or without the coat, that's a gorgeous outfit, especially loving the print and colours of the dress and the birdy brooch! xxx

  2. Teal combined with red is marvelous!! Love this outfit on you!

  3. pero que alegría de colores! me encanta esa combinación de rojo y azul! keda genial!!!
    que tengas muy buen finde!!!

  4. Oh my goodness can you just stop being so fabulous for one second while I catch my breath? Actually, no, don't EVER stop, you bring so much joy into my day, I absolutely adore every single colour, jewellery, item of clothing you're wearing ... so utterly gorgeous!!! xoxoxoxoxox

  5. This is a lovely outfit! I think you would look great in some of our vintage clothing :)
    Becky x

  6. You look marvellous, love this look :) Happy weekend to you doll xx

  7. We still have piles of snow here, so can't get out the Spring coat yet! The print on your dress is so pretty - turquoise and raspberry are a great colour combination.

  8. Senora you look vibrant! It's starting to warm up here too, and I'm trading out my dark woolens for some bright florals and pastels. Here's to spring blooms!

  9. Same here! Its frosty in the morning, gloriously sunny by the afternoon and freezing by night! You've done marvellously well with your transitional dressing colourful and lovely! xxx
