miércoles, 23 de junio de 2021

Still Standing

The last two weeks have been hectic at work, and I don't feel like using the computer in my free time (no more screens, please!). So I've been neglecting my blog once more. My free time is all about walking, running errands and reading at home when the rain is too annoying to stay outdoors.
Hope that next week I'll be back to business as usual (which means less business and more time).

Estas dos últimas semanas han sido frenéticas en el trabajo, así que luego no me apetece nada estar en el ordenador cuando tengo tiempo libre (basta de pantallas!). Así que he tenido abandonado el blog, otra vez. En mi tiempo libre me he ocupado en pasear, hacer recados y leer cuando la lluvia me ha obligado a permanecer en casa. Espero que la próxima semana pueda volver a retomar mi vida habitual, mi tiempo habitual.
- kimono-jacket made of (second hand) scarves / kimono hecho de pañuelos de segunda mano
- trousers, Evans (old) / pantalón
- blouse, made of a dress (old) / blusa hecha de un vestido
- sandals, Chiruca / sandalias
- straw bag, Etsy (old) / bolso de paja, de Etsy

- skirt made of a (second hand) strapless dress / falda hecha de un vestido sin tirantes, de segunda mano
- both shirt and cardi are second hand, bought at local Sunday street market / camisa y chaquetita punto, ambos de segunda mano, del mercadillo de los domingos
- sandals, Chiruca (new!) / sandalias
- nekclace, Ciclón (old) / collar
- scarf, second hand / pañuelo cuello, de segunda mano
- skirt, vintage, a present by Sacramento / falda vintage regalo de Sacramento
- jacket, second hand, ebay (old) / chaqueta de segunda mano, ebay
- sandals, Chiruca (new!) / sandalias nuevas de Chiruca
- t-shirt, second hand (Sunday street market) / camiseta del mercadillo del domingo, segunda mano

See you soon!
Hasta pronto!

8 comentarios:

  1. I know exactly what you mean which is why I try and limit my time on the laptop to a couple of days of the week for blogging and catching up with others blogs. It can take over your life otherwise...

    Loved all your colourful outfits and the new sandals are fabulous. They looked purple (?) and how ell they went with your lavender dress and the fab jacket in the last outfit. Good buy!

  2. love your homemade kimono - great idea to use 2.hand scarves!!
    i wish the BWH has such a pretty balcony like the ones in your hometown :-D

  3. That homemade kimono is fabulous, such a wonderful mix of pattern and colour!
    I'm always so envious of your wonderful backdrops and fine buildings, you live in such a fabulous place.xxx

  4. You're absolutely right in limiting your screen time outside of work, and spend your free time doing much more enjoyable and relaxing things. Especially when things are hectic at work!
    I'm loving your outfits as always, and I'm joining Beate and Vix is swooning over your homemade kimono!
    Besos xxx

  5. Completely understand not wanting to use your free time looking at a computer. Enjoy your summer.

  6. Stupenda quella giacca-kimono..adoro i suoi colori!! Mi piacciono molto le architetture dei palazzi in foto..Serena Estate!!
    Ti abbraccio, Carmela

  7. Your colour combos in these outfits are amazing. Pops of turquoise, purple and orange (an awesome mix), and those bold brights. Love!

    I completely get not wanting to be on the computer. Live your real life!

  8. I keep falling behind on my blog commenting because I'm on my computer all day at home for work, and once I log off at 5 pm I don't want to go back on. I am both looking forward to, and dreading, going back to the office in September.

    Your outfits always have so many interesting and colourful components.
