And I've purchased this chanel-esque jacket at a local charity shop for less than 5€ (and it's flawless!). I found it last week, when doing some charity shopping with a friend, but I let it rest for a while, because I thought that there're too many jackets in my wardrobe. Obviously, I had to pay another visit to the charity shop, and then I couldn't resist its purple plaid-titude.
Los pantalones blancos en invierno pueden parecer poco apropiados, pero creo que son muy versátiles (el blanco es bien fácil de mezclar y combinar) y son prácticos siempre que sean de un tejido cómodo y cálido. Me encantaría encontrar unos pantalones blancos de pana, pero eso es casi imposible, así que sigo con mis vaqueros blancos de invierno, que son bastante calentitos.
Y he encontrado esta chaqueta 'chanelera' en una tienda de caridad, por menos de 5 pavos, y está impecable. La ví la semana pasada, cuando estaba de compras con una amiga, pero la dejé allí, descansando un rato, porque empecé a pensar que serían ya demasiadas chaquetas. Evidentemente, tuve que volver a darle otra vuelta, y ya no pude resistirme a ese color morado y los cuadros!

- white jeans, La Redoute (old) / pantalones blancos
- purple shirt, Evans (old) / camisa morada
- coat, ebay (second hand) / abrigo, ebay (segunda mano)
- crochet beret / boina de ganchillo
- bag, by Eme / bolso, de Nonapapallona
- boots, Clarks (old) / botines
- bracelets, flea markets / pulseras, de mercadillo
Weren't you lucky the jacket was still there when you went back! It's gorgeous, and it looks lovely on you mixed with all the other purples and the fabulous white jeans. I was thinking of getting my white jeans out of the summer storage trunk and you've just spurred me on -thank you!
I think more people should wear white in the Winter, it definitely lifts the spirits to see white rather than grey and black! Love your trousers with the purple! xxx
ResponderEliminarWhite jeans are perfect for winter.
ResponderEliminarI don't think they get any dirtier than in summer.... I can get dirty at any time of year!
Your bargain hunting skills are fantastic! That jacket is a great find.
Fake Fabulous | Style and fashion, over 40
You really rock that pair of white jeans, Monica. They're great combined with purple. I wouldn't have thought of that. Note to self: should wear white in winter from time to time ... The jacket is such a great find, I can't wait to see what else you will be wearing it with. xxx
ResponderEliminarI think you look fantastic. Love white in winter x
ResponderEliminarPurple looks wonderful on you! Gorgeous lady!
ResponderEliminar all this purple. I have white denim clam-diggers (rolled to just above the knee) that I love in summer.