miércoles, 3 de diciembre de 2014

Weekly Fav Dress #2

First day at a new job can be overwhelming, so many people's names to retain, so many new things!. So I worn a very trustworthy dress, because tartan always makes me feel very confident!. Red shoes are just for fun, obviously. And that's also confident!
And this is my Weekly Fav Dress, making the most of my wardrobe, one dress at a time!

El primer día en un nuevo lugar de trabajo puede ser algo agobiante, tantos nombres de personas que hay que recordar, y tantas cosas nuevas. Así que llevé un vestido de mucha confianza, porque efectivamente los cuadros escoceses me dan mucha seguridad, son muy de mi estilo. Los zapatos rojos me los puse por pura diversión, evidentemente. Y esto también es algo que da mucha confianza!
Y este es mi vestido favorito de la semana, sigo intentando aprovechar mi guardarropa, vestido a vestido!

- dress, Locaderremate (last year) / vestido, del año pasado
- red bolero, Evans (old) / chaquetita roja
- turtleneck, Locaderremate (old) / cuello vuelto
- tights, Calzedonia / medias
- brogues, The Seeker / zapatos de cordones
- bag and hat, retail / bolso y gorra, de tiendas locales
- brooch, a present / broche, un regalo
- scarf, Dayaday / bufanda

A variation on same theme
Una variación sobre el mismo tema.

- boots, Clarks / botas
- bag, retail / bolso, tienda local
- scarf-shawl, Nafnaf (very old) / chal, antigüito
- crochet cardi / chaqueta de ganchillo

10 comentarios:

  1. Your tartan dress is a beauty! Lovely, lovely with both red and navy blue tights, and I adore both pairs of shoes too. Congratulations on your new job! Wishing you all the best in your new venue!! xxxx

  2. Red tartan , perfect! I bet you brightened everyone else's day and felt terrifically conbfident, too.
    Hope your new job goes really well for you. xxxxx

  3. This is a wonderful outfit (you know how I feel about red), and I agree that when heading into an unfamiliar situation, it is best to stick with a favourite outfit that you feel good about. Wishing you well in your new job!

  4. Tengo unas botas marrones como esas, me las pongo cuando tengo mucho frío... Imagino que allí cuando hace frío necesitas algo más abrigado, no?

  5. I love your cosy hat! Nice warm ears. Your tartan dress is a beauty. I think we have the same or similar scarves in your second ensemble. What do you think?http://naturalmedley.blogspot.com.au/2014/11/perilous-voyage-across-lake-rotorua-by.html xo JJ

    1. oh yes, your scarf looks really similar and you look warm and cute wearing it!

  6. You look wonderful!! Lots of good luck for your new job, sounds great. I am sure they thought you brought some sunshine in when you arrived in this marvellous outfit!! I love it :))) Happy weekend Xxx

  7. Oh yes, that first day (week/month!) of a new job can be tough, but wearing a trusty favourite dress is helpful, and red is a great colour to boost your confidence. You look fantastic, and I hope the new job goes really well. xxx

  8. Me encanta el estampado escocés.Los zapatos granates muy bonitos :-)

  9. I don't envy the stress that a new job can bring.

    I do envy those killer shoes and that brooch though!

