De nuevo voy a hablar del tiempo, ya que parece invadir totalmente las conversaciones y nuestras vidas con toda clase de catástrofes. Después de la última ola de calor, llegó la gota fría causando grandes daños en el centro del país. Justamente este es el tipo de lluvia que no queríamos ver. Todavía tenemos tormentas cada tarde por aquí, pero nos contamos entre los afortunados. El granizo ha sido lo bastante pequeño y localizado como para no perjudicar las cosechas ni la vendimia, que, como sabéis, son una industria muy importante por aquí. Orange jungle trousers to the rescue to cheer up my Monday. Totally effective. These are some comfy trousers, floaty, breathable, fab colour and they even have pockets, almost perfect in my book, only that they need to be ironed, sigh!. Second hand orange top, and second hand jacket, both came from Sunday street market. Sneakers by Reebok (old and battered). Usual straw bag, acquired at Etsy years ago. Necklace from a charity market.
Pantalón naranja con estampado jungla para animar el lunes. ¡Totalmente efectivo!. Este pantalón es cómodo, amplio, transpirable, con un color estupendo e incluso tiene bolsillos, ¡casi perfecto¡, pero sólo le falta no necesitar plancha (una lástima). La camiseta es de segunda mano y la chaqueta también, las dos del mercadillo del domingo. Zapatillas Reebok ya viejitas. Y el bolso de paja de siempre, comprado en Etsy hace años. Collar de un mercadillo solidario. Not the most flattering ensemble, but I liked the colours and comfort, good enough for a long walk after work. Red trousers and denim jacket came from Sunday street market (my shopping mall of reference!), both are a little bit oversized, but I'm keeping them anyway. Top by Eme. Sandals by Chiruca outlet. Vintage necklace and some badges by a local designer.

No es que sea muy favorecedor, pero aún me gustan los colores y la comodidad de esta combinación que llevé para un largo paseo después del trabajo. El pantalón y chaqueta denim son los dos del mercadillo (¡mi tienda de referencia!), de más talla de la que yo uso, pero igualmente me los voy a quedar. Sandalias de Chiruca outlet. Camisa de Eme. Collar vintage y unas chapitas de diseño local
Me comentaron en el trabajo que era raro verme de negro, sobre todo fue una sorpresa para los más nuevos en la oficina que sólo me habían visto a todo color. Todavía me gusta el color negro, y esta combinación me la he puesto muchas veces, sobre todo en estas épocas 'no tan veraniegas'. La blusa es de segunda mano, pantalón de costura propia, un chal antiguo y un collar vintage. Sandalias de Skechers. En realidad, me puse algo muy parecido al día siguiente, pero ni le saqué foto, porque me dió pereza. I've been making the most of my crochet cardi, totally weather appropriate and it goes with anything!. Trousers were shopped retail. Revamped blouse (I made it from a second hand dress). Sandals by Chiruca outlet.
Le estoy sacando partido a la chaqueta de ganchillo que me hice, es perfecta para este tiempo ¡y además va con todo!. Pantalón de una tiendecita. Blusa reformada, la hice de un vestido de segunda mano. Sandalias de Chiruca outlet.

Office chairs are Evil!, look what happened to my poor skirt last week. It was totally ragged by the wheels of my chair!. It's a lightweight fabric and now I have to mend it!. Please, beware of evil office chairs (and stairs too)!
Las sillas de oficina son Malignas!, mirad cómo me dejaron esta pobre falda que se pilló en las ruedas, ¡toda rasgada!. Es de una tela ligerísima y ahora tengo que darle un zurcido, un fastidio. Así que, ¡cuidado con las ruedas! (y con las escaleras, que son malignas también)
Hope you're having a fabulous week!
glad the storm made not much damage in your corner of the world.... the eastern mediterranean had less luck.....
ResponderEliminaryour first outfit is very very chic and extremely cool! those colours!! the dschungel trousers! the stunning jewelry! bravo!
and i love the other looks too - the black one is very elegant - and that cardi is the piece of the season. and yes - one needs a cosy and oversized outfit from time to time..... especially if it looks so stylish as yours.
poor skirt! thankfully my office days are over - but for maintaining the airb&b i must wear some durable clothes. not that i would give up skirts....... :-D
Glad to hear the storms didn't create too much havoc for you. Our weather has begun to cool but we had torrential rain yesterday which caused flooding. I am loving all your outfits. Red, orange and pink are fabulous colours together and I just love those orange jungle trousers - totally you! The crochet cardigan is magnificent. The black outfit was brilliant; the yellow and black paisley patterned trousers lifted the black and made it very elegant. I'd love to visit your Sunday market; it sounds a great place to find bargains!
ResponderEliminarI remember the evil office chairs so well - ruined several skirts on them too!
I thought of you when I read about the storms in your country. So glad to hear that your area wasn't too affected!
ResponderEliminarMonday's jungle trousers are absolutely fabulous and so is the outfit you created with them. I'm loving your other outfits as well, but this one is my favourite by far.
I had to smile when you said you shocked some of your co-workers by wearing black :-) The complete opposite happened to me in the 80s, when I wore black almost exclusively. I was the talk of the office the day I wore colour instead :-)
Oh your poor skirt! Office chairs are the work of the devil with their evil fabric eating wheels! I hope you'll be able to mend it!
Have a great week, Monica. Besos xxx
I'm glad Spain escaped relatively unscathed from these awful storms. That first outfit is absolutely fantastic, I love those trousers. How naughty of that office chair to rip your skirt. xxx
ResponderEliminarI am familiar with the evils of office chairs. I always gather up my skirts/dusters/long cardis when I sit down, so that I have a big puff of fabric in my lap. I love your orange jungle trousers, and welcome to the Pink Pants party! I always startle my coworkers when I wear black!