As I told you previously here, my Slow Fashion Season is going to slow even more in the time ahead, as I'll try to not buy more clothes. Some of the clothes I recently purchased (second hand) are still unworn, because they need to be fixed, because they're not summery enough or whatever the reason. So there will not be a lack of new-to-me clothes.
And I'll take as a challenge to restyle some of my well-known old summer outfits, or even revamp some of them!
Linking Visible Monday and wishing you a fabulously visible week!
Este es otro vestido hecho de prendas de segunda mano, totalmente un vestido 'Frankenstein' que salió de coser juntos un vestidito de tirantes y una blusa (de talla pequeña). Evidentemente, tuve que desmantelar esta blusa y saltar al vacío confiando en mis (escasas) habilidades como costurera. No creáis que me he vuelto una experta modista, lo que pasa es que no os enseño mis (muchos) fracasos que acaban en el cajón de los restos de tela. Bueno, confío en que algunos de ellos se aprovecharán en otro proyecto.
Tal como ya conté anteriormente, he decidido dar un paso más en esta temporada sin moda de usar y tirar (Slow Fashion Season) así que intentaré no comprar ropa de ninguna clase. Algunas de mis compras más recientes (de segunda mano) todavía siguen sin estrenar, porque necesitan arreglos, porque no son realmente de verano o por otras razones. Así que no voy a quedarme sin novedades que mostrar!
Y también me tomaré como un reto el darle una vuelta a algunos de mis repetidísimos conjuntitos de verano, y puede que incluso los reforme.
Enlazo al Visible Monday y os deseo una semana fabulosamente visible!
- sandals, Chiruca (old) / sandalias
- old pendant / colgante antigüito
- bracelets, a present / pulseras, un regalo
- ring, Ciclón (old) / anillo, Ciclón

I took a picture of the embroidered top at the charity shop and sent it to a friend to ask if she would like it. She didn't wanted it (too much fuss) but I bought it anyway just because of its beaded embroidery. Then I dismantled it!
Le saqué una foto a la blusa con bordados en la tienda solidaria donde estaba, para mandársela a una amiga y preguntarle si le gustaba. No le interesó (demasiado complicada) pero la compré de todos modos sólo por el motivo bordado. Y luego la deshice casi del todo!
I'd never have guessed that had been two garments originally - what an excellent makeover.
ResponderEliminarThey fit together perfectly - I do love a Frankenstein frock! xxx
ResponderEliminarI had to look at that fabulous dress twice as I never realized it was made from two different garments. What a perfect match! And perfectly accessorized as always. I'm especially loving that amazing pendant! Besos xxx
ResponderEliminarEs un vestido Frankestein precioso. Te ha quedado genial.
ResponderEliminarHow cool that you merged the two pieces! I never would have realized it if you hadn't told me. They look perfect together. I can see why you wanted to save the lovely embroidery.
Love this dress on you, the colours and design are amazing!! besos x
ResponderEliminarWell done you!!! That's a brilliant combination of prints and colours, love it!!
ResponderEliminarYou are the queen of pattern and colour - I bow to your awesome sewing skills and creativity you used to make this amazing dress!
ResponderEliminarI wouldn't have known the dress started out as two pieces if you hadn't of told us - great job!