sábado, 18 de mayo de 2024

Mixed Spring

We had a terrific weather last weekend, and reached some amazing temperatures (30ºC) on Sunday and even Monday, then they plumeted and haven't recovered since then. So most of my week have been like a blast to the past, as I had to wear a coat (and tights!) again. Normal spring weather, I suppose.
But it has been a nice week, I managed to go for some walks, get some mundane tasks done and have some social life too.

El fin de semana pasado tuvimos un tiempo estupendo, incluso alcanzando los 30ºC el domingo y el lunes también, pero luego se desplomaron las temperaturas y no se han recuperado. Así que la mayoría de mi semana ha sido como un viaje al pasado, ya que tuve que sacar el abrigo otra vez (y medias!). Tiempo normal de primavera, supongo.
Pero ha sido una buena semana, he conseguido aprovechar las tardes para hacer recados, pasear y hasta tener vida social.
But let's go back to Saturday, when it was so sunny that I picked that crochet top for its maiden outing, but, sensible as I am, also carried a jacket that finally never wore. Obviously, I had to wear more turquoise colour, so here you have those trousers again!. They came from a retail shop (and I went back for more, as I bought same trousers in other colours). Sneakers by Adidas (outlet).

De vuelta al sábado pasado, cuando hacía tanto calor que elegí estrenar este jersey de ganchillo, pero, como soy muy prudente, me llevé también una chaqueta que al final ni me puse. Claro está, tenía que añadir aún más color turquesa, así que aquí está este pantalón otra vez. Lo compré en una tienda local (y me gustó tanto que lo repetí en otros colores). Zapatillas de Adidas (outlet).
On Monday, I put on a new-to-me dress with minimum layering, as it was really hot in the morning. But not in the evening, when we went for a walk and errands and got caught in the rain. Actually, we have had storms (and hail sometimes) every evening since then. Not the best weather to go for a walk, but we made the most of any respite between storms!.

El lunes me puse este vestido nuevo-para-mí con una mínima superposición, ya que hacía calor desde la mañana. Aunque cambió por la tarde, cuando fuimos a dar una vuelta y hacer recados y nos cayó un chaparrón. En realidad, hemos tenido tormentas (hasta con granizo a veces) cada tarde desde el lunes. No es el mejor clima para pasear, pero se puede aprovechar los momentos de calma entre chaparrones.

That dress from Vinted (label Toscane) is made of cotton gauze and so incredibly comfy that I could live in it forever (so probably it will become a repeat offender as soon as the weather behaves). Jacket came from second hand stalls at Sunday street market. Shoes by Allrounders outlet (old). Usual cork bag by Fine Cork Portugal. Charity shopped necklace. Retail earrings. Brooch from a bric-a-brac shop.

El vestido es de Vinted (marca Toscane), hecho de gasa de algodón, y tan cómodo que dan ganas de no quitárselo nunca (así que probablemente sea uno de mis reincidentes tan pronto como el tiempo lo permita). Chaqueta de segunda mano del mercadillo del domingo. Zapatos de Allrounders (outlet), antiguos. El habitual bolso de corcho de Fine Cork Portugal. Collar de un mercadillo solidario. Pendientes de tienda local. Broche de una tienda de baratijas.
The weather was rainy and windy on Tuesday, but I decided to wear a riot of colours. I was looking forward to wearing that new-to-me dress, after having removed a ruched detail in the front and changed original white buttons for turquoise ones! (both changes made a difference!). And obviously, I had to add more colour and matchiness, so wore my crochet coat, even if it was chilly for that!

El tiempo seguía lluvioso y con viento el martes, pero a mí me dió por llevar este festival de colores. Estaba deseando estrenar este otro vestido nuevo-para-mí, después de retocarlo un poco, quitándole unos fruncidos que tenía y cambiándole unos botones blancos por unos turquesa (y ambos cambios valieron la pena!). Y claro está que tenía que añadirle todavía más color, en forma de esta chaqueta de ganchillo, aunque la verdad que no fue muy apropiada para el clima, hacía fresco!
Dress from Vinted. Sneakers by Adidas outlet (old). Charity shopped necklace. Retail earrings. Plastic bracelets by DayADay (old).
Vestido de Vinted. Zapatillas de Adidas outlet. Collar de un mercadillo solidario. Pendientes de tienda local. Pulseras de plástico de DayADay, antigüitas.
Wednesday was another rainy and windy day, so I turned to that classic ensemble of Seasalt trench and some jungle print trousers (old) and waterproof shoes (by Chiruca, old). Striped pullover by PuntRoma, ages old, and that colourful scarf was a present by Mom.
It was not that rainy in the evening finally, but I can assure you that I felt comfy in my coat, chilly as it was. I payed a visit to the haberdashery and then we had some social life in our favourite tabernas (I lead a wild life!)

El miércoles fue otro día de lluvia y viento, así que hubo que recurrir al típico conjunto de gabardina de Seasalt y unos pantalones de estampado jungla y zapatos a prueba de agua (de Chiruca, antiguos). El jersey de rayas es de PuntRoma, antiquísimo, y el pañuelo de colores fue un regalo de mi madre.
Al final no llovió tanto por la tarde, pero puedo aseguraros que yo estaba comodísima envuelta en este abrigo, porque no hacía ni pizca de calor. Fuí a mi mercería favorita y luego hicimos un poco de vida social en nuestros bares habituales (llevo una vida salvaje!).
This is my repeat offender of the week, an outfit I told you I'd wear in repeat ten days ago and I've kept a promise. So I wore same 80's dress, same crochet cardi-vest made by me, same shoes by ElNaturalista (old) and (unfortunately) same tights by Snag. It's dissapointing to wear tights again!.

Este es mi reincidente de la semana, ya que amenacé con repetir conjunto hace diez días y lo he cumplido. Así que me puse este vestido de los ochenta, con la misma chaqueta de ganchillo, los mismos zapatos ElNaturalista (antiguos) y (desafortunadamente) mismas medias de Snag. Es tan decepcionante volver a ponerse medias otra vez!
That's what I wore to visit my hairdresser and have a (well needed) hair cut. I've worn this same ensemble many times, but it still tickles my fancy, a favourite colour combo!. Orange puffer jacket was bought retail. Dress from Vinted. Sneakers by Adidas (outlet), old. Cross body bag from a local business.

Esto es lo que me puse para ir a la peluquería para un corte de pelo que ya me estaba haciendo falta. Me he puesto este mismo conjunto muchas veces, pero aún me sigue motivando, es una combinación de colores que me encanta. Chaqueta acolchada naranja de una tienda local, Vestido de Vinted, zapatillas Adidas (outlet) antiguas. Bolsito cruzado de una tiendecita local.
Have a fabulous week!

4 comentarios:

  1. Although temperatures didn't reach 30°C here, we too had gorgeously sunny and warm weather last weekend ... and then back to coats and tights :-( Very difficult to dress for, but you did it magnificently for both kinds of weather!
    The Vinted dress worn with the tweedy second-hand jacket is my favourite, closely followed by the funky new-to-you dress with the crochet coat. White buttons are so boring, aren't they? Well done for replacing them with turquoise ones! The repeat offender dress with the crochet cardi and the purple and orange one with the orange puffer are definitely sights for sore eyes as well! Mil besos xxx

  2. Those 30°C temperatures sounded divine, it must have been a real shock to the system to put your tights back on and your big coat! You've looked amazing all week, I'm going to see if I can find any Toscane dresses on Vinted, I absolutely love yours, I bet that was very expensive new.
    Your new crochet top is gorgeous, you are so talented. I'm drooling over that food! xxx

  3. the stunning roses almost steal the show off you newest crochet wonder :-D
    love both "new to you" dresses - bold colours and huge scale patterns are always a winner in my books...... and of cause your styling was fabulous!
    yummy looking food! xxx

  4. Wow! The roses. You. So bloody colourful and beautifully co-ordinated. All the crochet magnificence and the new Vinted dress and the 80s one were gorgeous; such lovely soft blues/turquoises and greens. And then the riot of colour dress. Loved the two pairs of retail earrings and all the lovely necklaces etc. You looked absolutely fabulous.

    Hope the sun and warmer temperatures have returned for you!
